Chicken Hispanic Roasting

  A roasted chicken is one of the popular main dishes in Hispanic countries. Hispanic roasting will surely make you crave for more. Chicken roasting Hispanic style is simple enough that any one could make it successfully. The Hispanic roasting of chicken has added flavor by adding white wine and garlic. Try this recipe for a great family dinner. This recipe could be served with green salad or fried potatoes.

Ingredients you need include 3 tbsp. virgin  olive oil, 1 whole roaster chicken, salt, 3-4 garlic cloves,  ½ tsp. salt, 8 oz. chicken broth, 8 oz. white  wine and 1 sprig fresh parsley. Heat oven to 180C or 350F and cut the chicken to four pieces.  Rub the pieces with the virgin olive oil and place in a big ovenproof dish. Put garlic cloves and 4 oz. white wine to the food processor and whirl until the garlic is mixed into the  white wine,    then  add 4 oz. of broth and whirl  until mixed thoroughly and pour over chicken.

Cover the chicken using aluminum foil and place the chicken into hot oven. Remove the aluminum foil after fifteen minutes in the oven and baste the chicken with the juices. Continue roasting the chicken for forty-five minutes and make sure to periodically check that the liquid has not evaporated. Add wine and broth when needed. When done, the chicken should be tender and serve with wine sauce.

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